Bloodbath on unholy island update 2

Bloodbath on unholy island update 2

As the curtains rise on act one of the book, we are introduced to Rom, a character who finds himself unwittingly entangled in a web of violence and danger. Rom represents the innocent bystander thrust into the spotlight of a dark and ominous narrative.

What role does Rom play in the unfolding story?

At the outset, Rom embodies the essence of innocence and naivety, a mere spectator to the unfolding drama around him. He is the canvas upon which the story is painted, a blank slate waiting to be filled with the colours of fate and destiny. He is swept along until he has to wrestle back control.

How does Rom's character evolve in the face of adversity?

At first Rom is dragged along by Frank, his strange and intense rescuer. He then becomes the reluctant catalyst, the spark that ignites the flames of action and propels the narrative forward. However, Frank’s malignant influence is replaced by the far more subtle influence of his ex-partner.

What challenges does Rom face as he navigates this treacherous path?

Caught on the rising tide of Frank’s destructive nature. Rom must choose what part he must play.

In the crucible of conflict, Rom's true nature is revealed, his inner strength and resilience shining like a rare gem amidst the darkness. He is the embodiment of the reluctant hero, the unlikely saviour who rises to the occasion when all seems lost. But finds the evil he opposes is already undone. The next wave of Act two dragging him further out to sea.

As the curtains fall on Act One, he is once again drawn into the growing danger towards Unholy Island.

Here are the work in progress panels for page 2:

Page 2
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